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Ushering in the New Year with Renewed Hope

The illegitimate Myanmar military coup of Feb 1, 2021, abruptly halted the democratic transition when General Min Aung Hlaing staged a coup and overthrew the elected government, detaining all its leaders and parliamentary members. He deterred the peaceful transition of a fledgling democratic nation and plunged it into a violent state of chaos and bloodshed. The coup had sparked a response of defiance on a scale unseen in decades, when people of Myanmar took to the streets in every city and peacefully protested against military rule. The public sector and civil servants CDM (Civil Disobedient Movement) joined in the protest refusing to work under military rule, immobilized the government at national and local levels, bringing the country’s economy to a standstill.

In attempts to disperse the crowds of protesters, the army and security forces unleashed their fury committing unthinkable acts by turning the streets into a battlefield using lethal weapons, snipers aiming at the heads and killing over 750 of unarmed innocent people including children. At least 3500 or more have been arbitrarily arrested, some tortured and killed, some have been given death sentences. In the latest move to quell the dissent, the security forces have resorted to deploying armed vehicles and heavy artillery on the city of Bago/Pegu killing more than 80, on April 12, 2021. Recent air raid strikes on ethnic Karen villages have displaced more than 10,000 people from their homes forcing them to flee to neighboring Thailand.

Under the bleak sky, there is a ray of hope. Days after the coup, CRPH (Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) with one Vice President, five acting ministers and 17 members, was set up on February 5, 2021, as a first step to format the democratic transition process. On March 31, 2021, CRPH revoked the 2008 Constitution drafted by the Military designed to secure their grip of power. CRPH then declared the Federal Democracy Charter as a foundation to form a new Federal Myanmar, inclusive of ethnic minorities.

A crucial milestone has been achieved on April 17, 2021, with the forming of the New National Unity Government (NUG), comprised of the elected members from the November 8, 2020 election, together with a diverse group representing the ethnic minorities of Myanmar. While NUG has given a fresh new hope for the people of Myanmar, the dire calamity in the country remains as a looming catastrophe, unless the international community decisively act by recognizing the NUG and stand firmly with the people of Myanmar in their fight against the terrorizing junta.

Daw Zin Mar Aung, the new foreign Minister of NUG, is appealing to the international governments for assistance in building a new Federal Democratic Union. Myanmar needs the help of the international community, not just to condemn the atrocious acts of the military but to support with concrete actions, to impose effective and tougher sanctions and a global arms embargo. The CDM has paralyzed the government functions and economic activity, depriving the junta of resources, at the expense of tremendous hardship for most working people. Meanwhile, CRPH has attempted to form committees in certain areas to provide provisions for food and water, electricity, public safety and healthcare services. They still need our Help.

Free Myanmar along with the people of Myanmar embraced the new National Unity Government wholeheartedly and we are ready to work together for peace and unity, to reinstate democracy and rule of law to a divided nation.

Free Myanmar calls for the international community to stand in a coordinated effort together with the people of Myanmar and support their pursuit of democratic rights, freedom and prosperity.

Free Myanmar has pledged to tirelessly advocate for the suspension of the cronyism and monopoly of lucrative business exploited by the military generals and their cronies. Furthermore, we planned to work even harder and stop the junta from stealing more money and resources, rightfully belonging to the people of Myanmar. A series of reports and proposals on targeted sanctions have been submitted to the US State Department and we believed the reports will be useful for the effective implementation of the sanctions by the Department of Treasury. Though the initial implementation of the partial sanctions by the US and some EU members are welcoming steps, more concrete and comprehensive sanctions are needed urgently to prevent Myanmar from descending into a failed State and developing into a Rogue State like DPRK. We urge the UN Security Council and its Member States, the US and the EU to step up their targeted sanctions: to take action on those conducting business with the military junta and SAC, to impose a global arms embargo, to help establish a No Fly Zone in border areas where ethnic minorities have been bombarded indiscriminately, to help provide shelter for displaced people and to work with neighboring countries to assist in refugee’s placements.

To the people of Myanmar, we wish everyone a Safe and Healthy New Year amidst the Pandemic and Pan-ethnic Revolution- Difficult roads often lead to Dazzling Destinations. We are only one step away from our Destination - Democracy!

What better way to usher in this Burmese New Year than the formation of NUG (National Unity Government).

Free Myanmar and all the Myanmar diasporas are in unity behind the courageous people of Myanmar. We respect NUG’s commitment to equal rights and citizenship for all including justice for all minorities. We truly believe that the united power of the people will bring changes to Myanmar and we are ready to work together with NUG to reach our destination with our unfaltering resolution of a New Year for a New Myanmar. We Shall Prevail!!

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