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Pagoda Land

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

Burma was once a beautiful land

With golden shrines and coral strands

Fields of paddy gently swaying

Healthy happy children playing

Solemn monks in saffron robes

Shaven heads and downcast eyes

Devotees kneel at Buddha’s feet

Offering flowers and incense sweet

This lovely picture has now been changed

By ruthless men who want more power

They’ve killed the youth and made men cower

Bringing grief and tears to mothers

Separating fathers, sisters, brothers

Ominous clouds now hang overhead

And all hope of change has fled

The blood of fallen martyr’s cry out

As eager throngs for democracy shout

For justice, freedom, and the rights

To change this regime they will fight

So united, and of one heart and mind

The best solution seek to find

So that peace and prosperity once again

O’er this our golden land shall reign.

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