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Free Myanmar's Editorial on the one year anniversary of Myanmar Spring Revolution

The people of Myanmar have been fighting and struggling for freedom and democracy since Myanmar (Burma) gained Independence from the British on January 4, 1948. Myanmar was a leader in economics, education, and geopolitics in Southeast Asia thanks to the sustained efforts by so many. Myanmar was once the gem of Southeast Asia—regional hub for democratic governance and education. Since March 02, 1962, the faith of Myanmar has been turned upside down under successive, repressive military dictatorships. Despite this, the people of Myanmar fought back with a resilience that led to a brief period of quasi-democratic government in 2015. However, The hope of democracy was decimated again on February 01, 2021, by the attempted coup d'état by General Min Aung Hlaing.

Legitimately elected leaders and representatives were detained and sentenced to prison terms with unfounded accusations. The Myanmar military, often referred as the Tatmadaw, is a misnomer as this title is dedicated to a noble professional army. The military has used extremely brutal force against peaceful demonstrations, committing numerous unspeakable atrocities including arbitrary arrests, torture and killings, burning down villages and religious buildings, committing acts of sexual violence and forced labor. The notorious trademark of Myanmar’s military responsible for committing these heinous crimes on the Rohingya and in ethic areas are now being fought back by the people who are now using improvised weapons including hand-made hunting rifles. The military has responded by indiscriminately targeting innocent civilians with arial bombardment and artillery fires.

The mishandling of the economy has resulted in millions in poverty. Myanmar’s GDP is expected to grow just 1% in 2022 after an 18% contraction in 2021. The economy could be 30% larger in absence of the coup and pandemic. Despite the economic downturn, the military continues to procure billions of dollars' worth of advanced weapons as part of a “toys-for-the-boys” defense doctrine, in which the generals and their family members and cronies profit personally from big-ticket procurements. The education system was broken. The dreams of youths were dashed. The military junta cunningly used the COVID-19 as a biological weapon when the third surge raged through the country killing thousands. The chaos of the coup attempt pushes Myanmar to a failed state and full-scale civil war.

But there is a blessing in disgrace. The miscalculation of the coup leader and his lieutenants has faced unexpected and unprecedented unified resistance with resilience by the people of Myanmar whose testimony of their wishes in the November 8 election was hijacked by the military. The coup was greeted by country-wide demonstration now known as the Spring Revolution that was joined by the CDM that crippled the military’s ability to govern. Nation-wide boycotts against business and service controlled or affiliated by the military including state-own enterprises, and avoidance of paying tax were a primary outlet for the people to fight back against the coup. The ousted elected members of the parliament formed the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and National Unity Government (NUG), the latter being formed by members of CRPH in coalition with ethnic groups and political parties. For the first time in decades, the military is battling not only Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) in frontier areas but also armed uprisings by the Peoples Defense Force (PDF) and Local Defense Force (LDF) in urban and frontier areas. The military suffered setbacks on several battle fronts against PDF, LPF and EAO and has suffered heavy losses in the expanding civil war.

This coup has ironically offered the best opportunity to eliminate the continued coup culture and the indefinite and unchecked abuse of power, and corruption, exploitation of the people and stealing the resources of the country. The birth of the Spring Revolution movement needs to be nurtured to a full-grown strong force to turn the tide towards freedom in a very careful strategy combined with the concerted efforts by different forces domestically and internationally.

With limited influence by ASEAN on the military junta, it is time for the US to lead the EU, UK and like-minded Allies and true friends in ASEAN for a multilateral approach to support and recognize the NUG or take further steps to provide diplomatic and humanitarian aid and assistance. This action is crucial to counter China’s longstanding dual approach by hedging on the revolutionary forces while tipping the scales towards the military as well as the junta’s policy of "If we have friendly relations with China and Russia, there won't be any problems".

The US could facilitate the UNSC to declare Myanmar an internationally enforced military no-fly zone, set up centers of protection and safe zones for civilians to enable unhindered humanitarian access and establishing “internationally negotiated humanitarian corridors” in the country or across borders in territory controlled by the NUG and aligned EAOs to allow aid agencies to supply urgently needed goods and services. Facilitating in setting up the infrastructure for the banking system by NUG is critical for the restoration of democracy and freedom.

The West should continue imposing complete and comprehensive targeted sanctions on military conglomerates, state owned enterprises that are under complete control of the military, their family and cronies and implementing secondary sanctions on businesses in the region still working with the junta.

The strategy and strength for success comes from within. It is the game of patience and perseverance, discipline and determination, focus and flexibility, innovation and improvisation, strength and stamina, wisdom and wit, the people of Myanmar should not lose focus of our mission to throw off the yoke of military junta rule. All ethnic groups and all elements of the revolution and fighters for freedom must stay united, and the overseas Myanmar diaspora must support our fellow brothers and sisters mentally and materially until the mission of birthing a new Myanmar founded on freedom and democracy is accomplished. The leadership of the NUG must be transparent, accountable, and decisive. They need to establish governance and provide security and provide for the basic need of the people. The NUG must build solidarity by reaching out to the EAOs and engage with the US and likeminded allies to actively participate in regional and international fora, such as ASEAN and the UN. The leaders should set the high moral ground and be an example for international engagement and responsive to the needs of the people.

We must use this opportunity for founding a new State of Myanmar based on democracy rooted in a Federal union where all people have a voice in governance. The People of Myanmar deserve freedom, democracy, prosperity, and happiness. Justice and freedom must prevail!

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