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Free Myanmar Newsletter

Vol:1, Issue 4: July 3, 2021

In the USA, where Free Myanmar (FM) is incorporated, this is the week of celebrations for the country’s Independence Day. Taking inspiration from prior revolutions, may they be the American or French or one of the colored revolutions, FM is resolute that with perseverance and unity, the revolutionaries shall prevail in the end. The Myanmar citizens are on the right side of history. They are demanding a seismic change that was never achieved in the uprisings of the past sixty years against successive military dictatorships. We are now encroaching on the 6th month of the uprising and FM feels that destiny is in sight. We simply can’t let up our efforts. The State Administration Council (SAC), the junta’s executive governing body, is now considered isolated and weak. People’s animosity towards the military is at an all-time high. The military is considered more despicable than an army of foreign invaders. We have also observed that lately the methods and strategies in the fight against the military junta are evolving. In addition to the Civil Disobedience Movement and street protests, many Myanmar citizens are now forming People Defense Forces (PDF) for self-defense with any available weapons. Clashes with military and its lackey police forces have now become daily occurrences. Inevitably, there have been a lot of casualties as the junta unleashes deadly force against the people. Many towns staged whole scale uprisings and resistances though they were mostly in areas closer to the areas controlled by Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs). The most recent ones were Min Datt in Chin state, Demaw So in Kayah State and Kanni in the Sagaing Division where the military used air power as well as heavy artillery in an attempt to quell the PDF fighters. According to reports, many young Gen Z protesters secretly slipped into border areas, received basic military training and later returned home. Some formed or joined local PDFs whereas others are laying low while waiting for the right time to join the fight against the regime. Explosions have taken place in big cities such as Yangon, Mandalay and Pegu though it is unclear who exactly was responsible. The country is dangerously slipping into a chaotic state. Many people are unvaccinated and the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged India is likely to strike Burma at any time. Hopefully the hours before the dawn are the darkest.

As in early phases of any revolution, the situation in Myanmar is extremely fluid and FM has had to adapt itself by filling in strategic gaps while understanding its limitations while abiding to non-violent principles. Consequently, FM has evolved into prioritizing three main strategic objectives. The first is stopping money flow to the military regimen through advocacy and engagement of right stake holders for quick, decisive, broad and yet targeted sanctions. The second is supporting NUG in achieving international recognition and collaboration. The third is engaging in humanitarian support for Myanmar people. In May 2021, FM assisted the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment (MOPFI) of the NUG in running a local boycott campaign on products and services made by military conglomerates and their affiliated businesses. This campaign was started by various civil action groups in March and was reinforced as such by MOPFI and NUG leading to nationwide participation that crippled the military’s revenue stream.

The United States has imposed several rounds of sanctions since the coup. Taking a cue from United States, many other western governments, particularly Canada and the UK have taken similar punitive actions against the military junta. The European Union (EU) followed suit on 21 June 2021. FM takes pride in that we contributed towards those outcomes. Presently some Members of US Congress led by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY), have been working on a bill to place sanctions on the Myanmar military. FM is helping the grassroots signature drive movement by asking those who have an interest in Myanmar to write to their local congressmen urging they support and co-sponsor the bill. A group of US senators led by Ed Markey (D-MA) has also been vocal in the Capitol about harsher punishment on the SAC. They introduced a legislation demanding an investigation of the atrocities committed in Myanmar, and they also sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen insisting on the imposition of sanctions on Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE). FM had a meeting with Senator Markey’s foreign policy staff thanking him for his efforts while requesting his continued support in the Myanmar democracy struggle. On 1st July, 21 members of the House of Representatives submitted another letter to Treasury Secretary Yellen urging a redoubling of US efforts to cut off the regimes and their cronies’ access to the international banking system. On 2nd July, the Biden administration issued another round of sanctions that included junta run business and 22 individuals who enable the regime. Concerning international outreach, FM has been engaging with many organizations from different countries which share a similar vision. These include groups from Canada, UK, France, South Korea and Australia. FM chapters have subsequently been formed in the UK, Canada and Australia. The UK chapter submitted its report to the UK parliament’s foreign affairs hearing committee in May 2021 in collaboration with FM.

FM feels that for the Spring Revolution in Myanmar to succeed, political pressure through the international community is equally as important as the efforts of courageous Myanmar citizens defying the junta through the street protests, the civil disobedience movement or the latest tactic of self-deployed defense forces in various towns. The NUG of Myanmar urgently needs international recognition and support. Many NUG leaders are living covertly since the military is in pursuit of them, but need remains for the NUG to be actively engaging the international community, specifically political establishments in US and western democratic countries. NUG’s voice has to be unified and policy has to be consistent regarding federal democracy and human rights issues towards ethnic minorities and the Rohingya. It is a sensitive issue but without resolution, NUG will not attain the necessary support from western governments or civil societies. FM welcomes the NUG’s press release on 3 June 2021 titled, “Policy Position on the Rohingya in Rakhine State”. FM continues to support NUG in its quest for widespread recognition and cooperation from the international community especially from the USA where FM is being incorporated. FM works closely by engaging relevant stakeholders, some of whom may be various consultants and organizations, on critical matters such as sanctions, fund raising and recognition of NUG. The Rohingya matter is not the only reason why NUG hasn’t received widespread recognition, though it is an important one. As defined by Internal Laws, recognition of a state requires fulfilments such as being politically organized, having control over a defined territory, being permanent and independent etc. FM feels that at this stage, NUG being seen as the entity representing the people of Myanmar and working with overseas governments is both an acceptable and achievable result to strive for.

FM’s website was revised for better visual appeal and user friendliness. Please visit our new website at . FM also runs its own Twitter account and a Face Book page. For confidential and operational reasons, some ongoing FM activities and projects may not be fully disclosed until a later time. For those who want to donate, a check may be mailed to Free Myanmar Inc, PO Box 161685, Austin, TX 78716. Please make payable to Free Myanmar Inc. Donations will be recognized but are not tax deductible at this stage. FM would not have accomplished this much so far without the devotion and support of its donors and volunteers who sacrifice hours of their personal time. In solidarity, FM thanks all of such individuals and organizations. And please continue promoting FM to your friends.

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