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Free Myanmar Newsletter

Vol:1, Issue 3: May 17, 2021

11th May 2021 is the 100th day since military staged a coup deposing and detaining the democratically elected government of Myanmar. So far, no overseas government or entity has endorsed the State Administration Council (SAC), the official name of the junta’s executive governing body. People of Myanmar remain defiant toward the SAC, which is now considered isolated and weak, though it has not been toppled yet. Lately the methods and strategies in the fight against military junta are shifting somewhat compared to the earlier phases of the uprising. The Civil Disobedience Movement is still in progress, street protests also continue though in a much smaller scale throughout the country. Many Gen Z young protesters have secretly slipped into border areas controlled by the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) to receive military training with an aim to insurrect an armed revolution. Some townships have built barricades, procured single bolt old fashion homemade hunting rifles and fought back against the regular Myanmar army garrisons. Some towns such as “Pegu” paid a high price in the act with close to 100 people killed when the Myanmar army stormed to retake the town on 9th April, 2021. Two major EAOs, namely KIA and KNU have staged major assaults against remote Myanmar military bases with considerable success. The famous one was the battle of “Alaw Bum Hill” in the Kachin state where two Myanmar infantry battalions were completely wiped out. It is believed that the morale in the Myanmar army is low with news of some desertions, both from officers and other ranks.

The main development since our last newsletter is the establishment of the National Unity Government (NUG) on 16 April 2021 which claims itself as the legitimate government of Myanmar. The names of the Cabinet members were subsequently announced followed by the formation of “People Defense Force”, an armed wing equivalent, on 5 May 2021. These developments serve as a great inspiration to all the people fighting valiantly against the ruthless Myanmar military junta that has killed close to a thousand unarmed citizens. Both virtual and in-person rallies were held at hundreds if not thousands of places all over the world in support of NUG often with keynote speeches from CRPH and NUG leaders, especially the overseas.

At the time of creation, FM decided to focus on advocating for the expansion of targeted sanctions with a view to choke off the junta’s money flow. Fortunately, FM landed the expertise of a few financial experts who can see through the balance sheets of the military regimen with keen insider knowledge such as where its real revenues come from. Three reports were prepared all of which were submitted to the US and allied nations. The first report covered the overall review of the military’s business empire with Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Cooperation (MEC) being the two main conglomerates overseeing such activities. The second report dealt with the Myanmar Gas and Oil Enterprise (MOGE) and the third report covered Myanmar Timber and Gem Enterprise. Over the past 3 months, Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) under the US Treasury Department has gradually expanded its Specially Designated Nationals and Entity (SDN) list, i.e. the sanction list, though there still is work in progress for FM. FM’s website was revised for better visual appeal and user friendliness. Please visit our new website . FM also runs its own Twitter account and a Face Book page as some of you may be already aware. FM has been trying to collaborate with other groups in different countries who share similar strategic goals. FM held discussions with groups from France, Australia, South Korea, Canada and the UK. At present FM is working closely with colleagues from Canada and the UK where chapters have already been formed. The UK chapter is preparing to submit an evidence report to the UK House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing, listing all the atrocities committed by the illegitimate Myanmar junta.

However, FM is also somewhat concerned about the lack of official or legal recognition of the NUG by other countries despite many meetings between officials of different countries and NUG leaders. During its summit meeting on 24 April 2021, ASEAN blatantly invited the junta leaders over NUG leaders to discuss Burma affairs. The situation is even more dire in the United States. Like it or not, the cliché expression, “when US sneezes, the world catches cold” still stands true. With due respect to many other western democratic countries supporting the Myanmar democracy movement, history has proven time and again that the heavy lifting still has got to be done by USA when it comes to punishing the military. Moreover, it is in a US bank that the sovereign funds of US$ one billion for Myanmar is frozen. If NUG receives a legitimacy status, it is hopeful that these funds may be allowed to be used at least for humanitarian causes. NUG should prioritize in learning how to navigate Washington, understand how things work in USA and build good working relationships with gatekeepers of US Congress and Senate. When Free Myanmar met the mid-level or director level officers at the US state department during its presentations, regardless of the topic of the presentation, the question of “what is your stance on Rohingya?” always came up invariably at one point or another. It is an elephant in the room. We can’ t hide it but if CRPH or NUG has a well thought out and agreed upon policy, we can at least answer those questions consistently and confidently. FM realizes that the NUG is stretched thin, on the run, poorly funded and staffed. It needs all the support we can give. The Rohingya matter is not the only reason why NUG hasn’t received wide recognition though it is an important one. As defined by Internal Laws, recognition of a state requires fulfilments such as being politically organized, having control over a defined territory, being permanent and independent etc. FM feels that the NUG should receive suggestions from an experienced political strategist or advisor who not only has inside connections in Washington but also is well versed on Burma affairs. It needs a guide as it navigates the maze of Washington. FM believes this process is a very important cog in the wheel of the NUG’s success in achieving legitimacy in the USA.

For those who want to go ahead and donate, you may send a check to Free Myanmar Inc, PO Box 161685, Austin, TX 78716. Please make payable to Free Myanmar. FM is incorporated as a political organization and donations will be recognized but not tax deductible. Thank you very much for your support.

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