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Free Myanmar endorsed the joint statement by Cambodia & Myanmar CSOs condemning Mr. Hun Sen's visit.

Free Myanmar condemns the recent Cambodia prime minister Mr. Hun Sen’s visit to Myanmar as he had expressed the purpose of his visit being bringing back the ruling military junta into ASEAN’s fold totally disregarding the calls from Myanmar citizens on restoration of a democratically elected government and not to recognize the illegitimate junta who staged the coup killing thousands of protestors and unarmed citizens while burning down whole villages during the process. Mr. Hun Sen didn’t even ask for ASEAN’s five-point plan as a precondition of his visit. Many advised Mr. Hun Sen against the visit since such a visit by a head of state may be construed as an official recognition of this illegitimate and murderous regimen. No other head of state has visited Myanmar since the coup ten months ago. When he pushed on with his plan, Mr. Hun Sen quickly became a persona non grata in Myanmar. Thousands expressed their displeasure and anger at Cambodia Prime Minister Office social media pages. In addition, 195 Civil Society Organizations from Cambodia and Myanmar jointly released an official statement protesting and condemning Mr. Hun Sen’s visit to Myanmar. Free Myanmar is one of the signatories as this statement aligns with Free Myanmar’s position. The detail statement can be seen as attached.

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