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Who We Are?

FREE MYANMAR is a movement committed to support democratic forces inside Myanmar to end military dictatorship by building a cohesive network of all Myanmar diaspora across  continents, by forming effective policies and strategies based on research to bring real change in Myanmar,  by engaging and building effective relationships with both international governments and non-governmental organizations, and by mobilizing younger generations abroad.


We are also committed to support and coordinate with ongoing movements on the ground in Myanmar such as the current civil disobedience movement (CDM). Together, we will be a unified voice for overseas Myanmar who genuinely believe in bringing the Myanmar military under the elected civilian government and building a truly democratic federal union that provides and protects democracy, freedom, peace, and prosperity for all.

Our Mission
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Our Mission

To achieve true democracy and unity for all in Myanmar.

Our Objectives

To unify voices and non-violent activities outside Myanmar in coordination with movements inside Myanmar to end military dictatorship and to support Myanmar’s transition to a truly democratic federal union that protects and provides equal opportunities for all regardless of race, religion, gender and background.

Our Pledge

To devote ourselves to accomplish our mission and to consecrate our utmost with no personal gain or political agenda.

Our Strategy

A unified voice for all

Build a unified consensus of valid voices, positive opinions and proactive actions by overseas Myanmar in all continents, including all ethnic and religious groups,  professionals, and generations.

Pursuit of truth

Reveal the truth by analyzing and verifying facts and cross-referencing news sources.

Mobilization of task forces

Take meaningful action to convert policy into reality.

Supporting execution

Establish a sustainable organizational structure and function.

Our Strategy

Organizational Structure of Free Myanmar (FM)
(Incorporated in USA.)


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